Compromising Contentious Probate and IHA claims: a Toolkit
4 March 2022

Compromising Contentious Probate and IHA claims: a Toolkit

Authors: Anna Metcalfe , Holly Challenger , Sarah Harrison

Members of Parklane Plowden’s Probate, Inheritance and Trusts team, Anna Metcalfe, Holly Challenger and Sarah Harrison presented to the Northern Contentious Probate Group on 26th January 2022. 

Download the links below to read the published seminar notes which look at how to structure compromises in probate and I(PFD)A 1975 claims, including tax considerations, and their top tips for mediating inheritance disputes, as well as a discussion on the consequences of refusing to mediate and the key case law.

Mediation Tactics by Anna Metcalfe

Refusing to Mediate by Holly Challenger

Structuring Compromises by Sarah Harrison