Critical Failure to Report a Gastric Band Slip Found to be Neglect

Sophie Watson represented the family of a 46-year-old woman who tragically died due to complications arising from a gastric band slip of which there was a missed opportunity for the hospital to identify and intervene.
In March 2024 the deceased attended the hospital after experiencing coffee ground vomit and significant abdominal pain. A CT scan and chest x-ray were both performed. The CT scan failed to identify the gastric band was in an abnormal lie despite it being visible on the imaging. The clinicians also did not identify the abnormal positioning upon reviewing the chest x-ray.
After two days as an inpatient the deceased collapsed. Despite CPR, the deceased tragically died.
The coroner found there was a critical failure to report that the deceased’s gastric band had slipped which contributed to the failure to refer the deceased to bariatric specialists. He found this failure represented neglect.
He found the failure to correctly report the gastric band slip on the CT scan caused or contributed to the deceased’s death.
The coroner issued a future prevention of death report to NHS England and the Royal College of Radiology given his concerns about the lack of knowledge of gastric band positioning by radiologists nationally.
Sophie was instructed by Rachel Sharp of Ramsdens Solicitors.
Media coverage can be read online here:
Sophie is a member of the Inquest and Inquiries team at Parklane Plowden Chambers and regularly acts on behalf of Interested Persons at Inquests. Sophie’s full profile can be accessed here.