Employment | Law With Lunch Webinars | 31 October 2022 & 24 November 2022

12 October 2022
The next employment webinars in our ‘Law with Lunch’ series of bitesize, lunchtime talks covering the legal issues of the moment are available to book now.
These sessions are ideal for busy practitioners who want to grab some lunch whilst at the same time ensuring their legal knowledge is up to date.
Monday 31st October at 12.30pm, Zoom Webinar
Barrister and employment specialists, Bryony Clayton and Bharat Jangra will present
‘Timed Out? Time Limits and Extension of Time in the Employment Tribunal
A summary of the legal principles including recent case law and practical tips’
Thursday 24th November at 12.30pm, Zoom Webinar
Barrister and employment specialists, Roger Quickfall and Richard Ryan will present
‘Pre-termination / without prejudice negotiations – how protected are they?
A practical guide to avoiding the pitfalls’
Join either or both webinars to find out more. Places on the webinars are FREE. To secure your place email events@parklaneplowden.co.uk