Employment Seminar – 26th February 2019

Parklane Plowden’s Employment team is delighted to invite you to the latest breakfast seminar by members of our specialist Employment group.
Date: 26th February 2019
Venue: Leeds BPP Law School, Whitehall, 2 Whitehall Quay, LS1 4HR
Registration: 8am
Start Time: 8:30am
Finish Time: 9:30am
Cost: FREE
Seamus Sweeney
‘Whistle-blowing – when is blowing the whistle in the public interest?’
Seamus will talk about the law relating to some of the constituent parts of the whistle-blowing claim: ‘belief’, ‘reasonable’ and ‘public interest’ and look at the recent case law.
Kirti Jeram
‘Detriment and Causation’
Kirti will focus on the challenges of proving a causal link between whistleblowing disclosure and detriment.’
Registration is from 8am. Tea, coffee and a light breakfast will be available at this time allowing ample opportunity to network with colleagues prior to the seminar session starting at 8:30am.
Email stephen.render@parklaneplowden.co.uk to confirm your place.