Members coach students in Mock Trial with Walker Morris

Last week members of chambers took part in a mock trial with A-Level students from Notre Dame Catholic Sixth Form College. The experience was organised and hosted by Walker Morris and gave these budding young lawyers, all between the ages of 16 and 18, a taste of life as a barrister.
In the first day’s preparatory sessions, the students were split into groups and roles in the proceedings were assigned. The students shaped their submissions, cross-examinations and statements under the expert guidance of Parklane Plowden members Leila Benyounes, Natalia Levine, Anna Clarke, Gareth Price and pupil Fay Collinson. On the day of the trial the students were delighted to have former Head of Chambers Stuart Brown QC as the presiding judge.
All members have commented on the evident skill and ability shown by the students. The students themselves described the two-day insight as “exciting”, “not what I expected” and an “amazing experience”.
Parklane Plowden would like to thank Marshal Ahluwalia and Heather Bradburn of Walker Morris, and of course the students of Notre Dame for making it such an enjoyable two days.
Parklane Plowden always takes great interest in the education and development of future generations of lawyers and was thrilled to be involved with this event.
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Notre Dame students donning their wigs
Last minute preparation
Cross examination in progress
Stuart Brown QC
Marshal Ahluwalia, Stuart Brown QC and Gareth Price with students