Katherine Goss

Called 2002


Katherine is a family law barrister who specialises exclusively in cases involving the children of separated parents and their families (Private Law children cases).Katherine understands that many clients are experiencing one of the most stressful times of their lives. She is able to give clear advice sensitively and to put clients at ease.Katherine understands the pressures clients and instructing solicitors face and will do what she can once instructed to ensure that cases run as efficiently and effectively as possible.Katherine has extensive experience of appearing at all levels of the Family Court and the Court of Appeal.Katherine has expertise and welcomes instructions in the following areas:Child Arrangements OrdersRelocation cases - internal and internationalCases involving domestic abuseCases involving parental alienationSpecific Issue OrdersProhibited Steps OrdersKatherine joined chambers in 2006 having previously practised in Cambridge in the areas of crime, civil and family law.Education: BA (Hons) University of York; PGDL University of East Anglia; Inns of Court School of Law.Katherine was called to the Bar in 2002 and is a member of Gray's Inn. She is a member of the Family Law Bar Association and the North Eastern Circuit.Katherine received the William Shaw QC scholarship award from Gray's Inn.  

Areas of Expertise

Katherine covers all aspects of Private Law children matters and Family Law Act disputes.

Practice areas:

  • Child Arrangement Orders including applications for Contact and Residence;
  • Removal from the Jurisdiction and Change of Surname applications;
  • Injunctions and committal applications.

Family Law Bar Association (FLBA)

Re W (Children) [2007] EWCA Civ 753 Thorpe LJ, Bennett J

Appeal by father from an order for no direct contact in a case where the mother and children had fled from domestic abuse.

Parental alienation/Change of Residence 

Successfully argued for an immediate change of residence at the conclusion of a Finding of Fact hearing following the court making findings of parental alienation.

Shared residence

Achieved a joint “lives with” order for a parent who was having no contact with the child following the dismissal of all findings sought by the other parent.


Won costs for an Applicant following a Finding of Fact hearing due to the Respondent having unreasonably pursued allegations of sexual abuse.

Parent with a disability

Involved in cases where one parent has been profoundly deaf.

Police investigations

Represented parents facing an ongoing police investigation and have achieved a restoration of contact arrangements.

Variations of Child Arrangements Orders

Successfully opposed an application to vary a Child Arrangements Order issued within 24 months of the previous final order being made.

Death of a parent

Represented a separated parent seeking to restore contact following the death of the other parent and to obtain a “lives with” order.

Katherine has presented numerous seminars on various aspects of Family and Child Law to solicitors, social workers and Children's Guardians.

English BA (Hons), University of York (1998) Post Graduate Diploma in Law, University of East Anglia (2001) Scholarships: William Shaw QC Award (Gray's Inn)