We’ve been shortlisted for a Northern Law Award!
We are delighted to be shortlisted for ‘Law Practice Management’ team of the year by the judges at the Northern Law Awards.
Rather than the award spotlight being on our barristers, this time it’s Chambers Management Team who have received recognition.
The shortlisting stems from the radical and unique restructure that Chambers underwent in February 2015 in order to secure its position as the leading civil set on the North Eastern Circuit and to deliver on its ambitious growth plans. The success of Chambers over the past 12 months reflects the success of this restructure.
The innovative structure saw the creation of 2 Management Boards: the Executive Management Board which oversees and drive delivery on all aspects of the growth strategy; and a separate Service Company (Plowden Facilities Ltd) that manages the internal systems associated with running a chambers.
This root and branch change enables barristers and clerks to work with increased efficiency by freeing them of the administrative tasks that do not enhance the solicitor-client experience. The structure also aids commercialism by making it easier to secure new avenues of work including ABS arrangements and block contracting. The team has the ability to agree bespoke working and financial arrangements with all of the work providers to chambers, always matching the correct barrister with the right client, with financial and commercial reality.
The success and impact of the restructure is evidenced by the most recent Chamber & Partners (2016) recommendation: “Parklane Plowden Clerks are better than the majority, they are outstanding!” In addition, Parklane Plowden Chambers is the only ranked Set for both Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence on the North East Circuit.
A team of 3 will be interviewed by a panel of Northern Law Award judges on 26th April who will decide the winner of this category. The Awards Dinner will take place on 23rd June.