EMPLOYMENT | ‘Law with Lunch’ Series | October – November 2020.

Our specialist team of employment barristers will deliver a series of bitesize lunchtime talks via zoom covering the employment legal issues of the moment.
Friday 16th October 1pm
Menopause in the Workplace – Claire Millns & Jade Ferguson.
“Despite menopausal symptoms affecting most women, some employers and employees find menopause a difficult topic to broach. With World Menopause Day taking place on 18 October 2020, it is time to break the taboo.”
Claire Millns and Jade Ferguson discuss the legal considerations surrounding menopause at work and how to navigate the related issues.
Friday 23rd October 1pm
Understanding the Coronavirus Job Support Scheme: A Rough Guide – Dominic Bayne & Bethan Davies
Dominic Bayne and Bethan Davies decipher the Coronavirus Job Support Scheme [“JSS”], highlight the differences between JSS and furlough, and discuss pit falls for employers to avoid.
Wednesday 11th November 12pm
Bullying and Harassment in the Virtual Workplace – Nicola Twine & Megan Crowther
An overview of Cyberbullying, Vicarious liability and Forms of redress.
Thursday 19th November 1pm
Drugs, Alcohol and Employer Awareness – Gareth Price & Sophie Firth.
During Alcohol awareness week, Sophie Firth and Gareth Price discuss why it is vital for employers to be aware of the effects of alcohol and drug use on their employees when it comes to drafting/implementing policies and handling instances of possible workforce substance misuse.
For more information, please email: Sharon.Robson@parklaneplowden.co.uk.